Friday, May 7

If You Were In My Head...

Five months ago, I admitted for the first time that I am an aspiring author. Since then, I have joined a critique group, set aside one day a week to write, and prayed often for God to write His story with my favorite characters (although I think as an author you aren't supposed to have favorites--like parents don't have favorite children!)

Next Sunday will be another first in this journey for me. I'll be attending my first writers' conference, specifically the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (aka BRMCWC). I am excited, terrified, and overwhelmed by the idea.

And if you were in my head this week, it would sound very similar to a blog post from fellow BRMCWC attendee, Lynn Blackburn:

Go ahead, click it. Laugh, shake your head, and then pray for us over-analyzers!

I am fighting anxiety more than I would like to admit. However, in the midst of creating business cards, a career/ministry tagline, and elevator pitch for my current WIP (Work In Progress), God has been faithful to remind me of two truths:

1--He is with me. He goes before me and walks besides me. He upholds me with His right hand (Isa. 41:10, 13).

2--He is sovereign, even over my unpreparedness, lack of experience, and wardrobe. His purposes stand forever (Prov. 19:21).

So with that in mind tonight, I let myself feel only excitement about learning new techniques, gaining inspiration to continue my WIPs, meeting like-minded souls, and being able to do all of this with my best friend and unofficial writing partner, Erynn.

How great is our God!

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