Tuesday, May 18

BRMCWC Day 3: How Tired Am I?

The answer to this question is “Too tired.”

But I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the day and share my experience with those of you who are praying for me. Apologies in advance for a lack of clarity or excitement :)

Now that I have two full days of classes behind me—full of helpful, challenging, and encouraging information—I want to tell you which workshop has been most beneficial to me: Steven James’ “How to Write Thrillers, Action, and Suspense.”

Who would’ve thought? Especially because Steadfast isn’t a thriller, action, or suspense novel. However, I do want to incorporate these elements into my writing, and his thoughts on story, pacing, and tension have my creative wheels turning. I may have to work through a major revision of the plot, but I know that this story (and the stories that come after it) will be better for taking his class.

Praise God for classes outside my genre and comfort zone!

Now, for real, to bed.

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