Friday, June 26

A New Opportunity To Stand Still

How quick I am to want to make a plan, explain my reasoning, argue my case, etc. So begins my Tampa update....

In May, the Perrys and Tuckers moved to Tampa; already, we have been given opportunities to rejoice over the hearts God prepared before their arrival. Both couples have had the opportunity to build relationships with neighbors, business contacts, and moms who are, at the very least, eager to get to know the team and be known by them. I am so excited about the men and women God has given Justin, Jackey, Drew, and Jessi to love.

Excited enough that I began counting down the days until my arrival! After all, I visit in less than a month, and my job here in Wake Forest ends 19 days later. With the timeline under 2 months, the discussions about my move have taken on a more technical nature. During one of these discussions, it became apparent that the team had not been aware that I was planning on moving regardless of whether or not I had found a job. This fact has made both families concerned on my behalf. I know they love me and want to know they are giving the best counsel possible. It is because of this concern that they have talked about the idea of me not coming until I have secured a job.

I must confess that I have been discouraged because this shift would change a lot of my plans as it is not an option to remain on the payroll at InQuest or in my apartment with Lauren. Everyone is praying that God would give us discernment about the timing of my move.

One thing I do know--God is sovereign and has not been caught by surprise at this situation. He has continually prompted me to submit to whatever His decision would be. I do not wish to be impatient. I believe He has offered me another opportunity to stand still and wait on Him. And I truly do not wish to be like the Israelites who ran after other rescuers and plans because God was not acting in the time period they thought He should (Isa. 30:1-5). I pray, and would ask you to pray, that I would wait on Him not only for when I am to move to Tampa but also for when I am to know when I'm going to Tampa. I pray that my attitude would be that of Isaiah 30:15, 18: "For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, 'In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength'.... Therefore, the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore He exalts Himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him."

I am grateful for each one of you who has promised to pray with me, and I apologize that I have not been as faithful in updating you as I should have been! Over the next several weeks, would you pray:

1-That God would be glorified above all else.
2-That I would submit to our Heavenly Father and the team.
3-That Justin, Drew, Jackey, and Jessi would have great discernment as to how to counsel me.

Until He moves....

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